Monday, November 1, 2010


Wow physics is really hard, I am just going to keep going through it and hopefully it will eventually stick. The homework stuff is helping though cause you have to keep practising the stuff so every bit helps!! We had a pendulum experiment last week-sounds lovely and the practical part was, except I kept losing count of the pendulum swings-it was only to twenty so felt pretty stupid-but the write ups are really difficult I struggle with it but hopefully it will get easier every lab-only 7 more to go!!

Getting stuck into our first newsletter now it is going well, Aoife has the interview with a biomedical scientist tomorrow so I hope that will go really well for her.The rest of us are doing our bit too so we are splitting up the tasks and stuff now, hopefully it will be interesting in the end. If its not it wont be from lack of trying!!

I am starting part time job with Boots this week-am so lucky to get a job I really hope it will work out now, it seems like a lovely place to work so am very very lucky.

Had a few trick or treaters visit my house last night some of the kids (and adults) had great costumes!!

Other than that it is a quiet week after the exams and everything last week-nice!! Pity about the weather, I like rain but i don't like wind and rain so hopefully it will improve over the next few days!!

Until next time, Mary Claire

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