Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I did the interview for the newsletter yesterday with medical scientist Helen Keeffe. Shes my friends mom so I knew her previously . She was the person who got me interested in biomedical science. The interview went well and I found it really interesting. Helen even showed me around the labs afterwards so that was nice of her!! You can read the interview for yourself and hope ye like it.

Interview with Biomedical Scientist - Helen Keeffe

1) Why did you decide to become a biomedical scientist?
My career guidance counsellor thought I had all the right skills for it and that this job would suit me perfectly. I didn’t even no what it was.
2) What is your favourite aspect of the job?
I like the variety of work involved in histopathology - health and safety, training, quality etc. I love the bench work and the fact it’s a hands-on job.
3) What do you like least about the job?
Well first of all the current state of the country - lack of funding and budgeting. Also the introduction to extended working days . The whole career path has changed , there is an uncertainty for the future in the labs.
4) What are your working hours like?
Well in histology the hours vary. The core hours would be 9 to 5, but other days  I could be working 8 to 7. On average it’s a 35 hour week.
5)What is the most difficult thing you have examined?
The Air India disaster in 1985. It was an extremely difficult time in the hospital, 130 post mortems were carried out and at the time we only had basic facilities. The entire hospital was grief stricken by it.
6) What qualification did you receive?
I received a diploma in med lab in D.I.T and I did my dip in training and education in NUI Galway.
7)How relative is what you learnt in college to your everyday work?
I use about 50% of what I did. All the science subjects I did were completely relative but I also had to do French and maths…
8)What advise would you have for someone going into a career in Biomedical Science?
Go straight through and do your masters because it is so difficult to get a job at the moment.

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