Monday, November 29, 2010

The Last Blog

So this is my last ever blog! Its coming to the end of our first semester , cant believe how fast the time went.
We did our presentation today which went well , absolutely delighted to have it over with I was really nervous about it.
The other presentations were really interesting , especially the rescue remedy one. Disappointed I didnt win a candy cane haha.
So our tests are starting this Friday and some serious cramming needs to be done :-P.
I cant wait for christmas , the mixture of the toy show , the freezing weather and listening to christmas songs when im at work have really got me in the mood. :-)
 Its brilliant that were finished on the 10th , plenty of time for shopping and just relaxing. Alot of my friends are'nt finished til the 20th!!
Well not much more to say I have to do a lab report now , so thanks for reading my blog and i'l leave ye with my favorite christmas song


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