Saturday, November 20, 2010

Exams-not so far away-Bummer.

Got our Christmas exam dates, CIT and UCC ones, gonna be a busy week  and even busier weeks leading up to it. It sounds far away-December that is-but it is a lot closer than I thought in fact I nearly had a heart attack gonna have to stick the head down and work hard. I feel like I am on a count down but the lovely Christmas Hols will be great.

Must admit it is the Chemistry I am finding the hardest at the moment, not that I am getting into physics much either!!

Town is getting busy for Christmas it is quite nice cause most people are in good form and that makes work pretty easy. Have heard quite a few domestics in the street and stuff though, girls giving out to their boyfriends that they are sick of them following them around and the poor guy looking half scared saying I am carrying your bags and I don't have any shopping to do-ha ha poor guys that will teach them to be nice.

Suffering serious hockey withdrawal as I am working during all the match's now!! Hopefully there will be a mid week game on soon.

Mary Claire.

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