Monday, November 15, 2010

A busy weekend

So on Friday we had our last chemistry lab. I tightened the retort stand a bit too much which caused the burette to break..... glass everywhere :-(. Oh well!! When I went home I felt exhausted and kind of sick .. I think it might have been from the hepatits shot I got on Thursday. I fell asleep from half 7- 10pm ..woke up , ate some dinner and fell asleep from 11 til 12 the next day!! I've never slept that much in my life. Then I had to get the bus into town to start my first day of work. I started at 2 and didnt get home til half 8. Work was fairly stressful I must say. I didnt get time to learn how to do the crepes doughnuts and coffee so I was in charge of the cash register and ice-cream for most of it. On Sunday I had to catch up on lab reports and I attemped to do the physics homework... it is impossible I spent an entire hour trying to do it and couldnt even get one question right!! So its a start to another week and I planned on starting studyin tomorrow, the tests are alot sooner than I thought. Just found out that im working this Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!! So probably wont get much study done.. Im absolutely gutted because I was hoping to see Harry Potter this weekend. Really looking forward to seeing it :-). Thats all my news.

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