Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bit of everything

Well we had our first chemistry lab assessment last week. It didnt start off too smoothly ..we had three titrations to do but in our first titration there was no colour change. So myself and Dylan replaced everything but it still didnt work so finally we figured out our indicator was contaminated ..Just our luck haha. Overall it went grand. I was delighted to hear that this Friday is our last chemistry lab for this semester :-) so we'l be finished at 1 every Friday!! I used the gym for the first time last week and lasted an entire 30mins. Im really unfit so I was kind of proud of myself. My legs were killing me after the treadmills!

I didnt get up to much for the weekend , just met up with a few friends , babysat and relaxed. Still havent started work but I think Oso ( the place il be working) is supposed to be opening this Thursday but I wont be getting trained in til the week after. Thats all my news for this week. Thanks for reading. Aoife

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