Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So much to do......so little time!

I've been having some hectic day today!!First of all i forgot my pencil case this morning,had to get a loan of a pen all my notes ended up totally in black so had to re-write them when i got home,took about 2 hours!Then i started on the microbiology lab report due for this coming Monday that took roughly an hour :( then started on the 2nd m/b report,still have to finish that.....i had to get some of the results online because i ran out of time in the lab the other day cause we didn't start the experiment till about twenty till three(i'm slow enough as it is! haha).So i thought it better to get results than to leave some blank stuff :D Obviously i'm doing my blog now but i'm multitasking as i'm watching emmerdale as well :D who said men can't multi-task?!:P

So after i finish my lab report i'm going to start putting my part of the prezi together!After that?...Desperate Housewives of course!! So ya lots of work to be doing!i'll leave it there:)

Thanks for reading!

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