Monday, November 8, 2010

off the fags!!!

Aidan here..its half 11 on a monday morning and im glad to say i had a great lie in this morning!!which is very hard to come by when you have a timetable like ours!!anyways your probally wondering what the title of this blog is about...I decided to give up smoking!iv a few reasons why Im doing it...firstly i just cant afford it anymore...secondly i suppose theyre bad for you!!ha...and thirdly,this year ive been plagued with chest infections,sore throats etc.,so ive started to realise maybe smoking has something to do with it!!!ha ive been smoking for the past 3 or 4 years so im not gonna go on the patches or anything like that...its all down to shear will power anyway if you ask me!!i really think i can do it...the hardest part will be going out with my friends because the majority of them smoke but im gonna give it a go!  oh no all this talk about smoking has given me a serious craving!!:(:( and its chemistry next...ahh no!!!!!

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