Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mentor Interview :)

I totally forgot to put this up a few weeks ago when myself and Mary-Claire did the interview with Ciara and Esther!Oh well better late than never!!

1 What is your favourite memory of 1st year Biomedical Science?Ciara and Esther:We liked meeting all the new people,it was really easy out in C.I.T in UCC the classes were so big you couldn't really get to know anyone.

2 What were your first thoughts when you were asked to be a mentor?Ciara:I volenteered to be a mentor,because we only got mentors at the end of 1st year and they were'nt much use to us then,so we wanted the new first years to have someone to ask questions about the course especially the maths and physics.

3 What do you feel the most important skill a mentor should have?Ciara:A mentor needs to be friendly.

Esther:They deffinately need to be able to communicate

4Very briefly,where are you from?Do you like Cork and do you like the course?Ciara: I'm from south Tip and i love cork iwas orginally going to go to Limerick to do biochemical engineering(was that what ciara said she was going to do i forgot to write it down? )andover all i love the course but obviously there are some parts i don't like.

Esther:I'm from North Tipp.I love Cork!I love Cork soo much i lived here during the Summer,i had the time of my life!I love the course it's really interesting.

5 on a social side of things,where do you think is the best place to go out in Cork?Esther:Suas!The bailey is good for class parties as well!

Ciara:I really liked the bailey,we had some great times in the bishpstown bar as well.The mardyke was god too(Esther) Maybe once a year!

6 If you could give one piece of advice to us as 1st year students,what would it be?
Tty not to fail any exams!it'll ruin your summer!I failed physics and it ruined my August!

Ciara:Try to as much as yyou can in labs,assessments to get a good percentage going into the final exam,it takes a lot of pressure off you.

7How does 2nd year compare to 1st year?
Ciara and Esther:
we're in UCC a lot more,which i don't like,the classes are soo huge you don't talk to  much people and there isn't a big incentive to go to lectures as the lecturer wouldn't notice if you were there or not as well as that it's a lot more difficult to navigate in comparison to C.I.T. Also the materials you do in 2nd year are much more interesting than in 1st year.

8 Have you any funny lab stories?

Ciara and Esther:
The UCC labs were funny,you know the way the aseptic technique is thought in C.I.T,like flaming the test tubes?UCC don't do that for safety reasons.we were in a lab once and this girl told a guy that we had to flame the test tubes for aseptic technique,the demonstrator was just walking over as he was about to put it into the flame and she goes No!you not supposses to flame the test tubes,the demonstrator said to her that she was very observant!

9Any exam advice for students?
Attend all your lectures,something's bound to go in and print notes as they're put on blackboard,don't leave them build up or you'll be waiting for hours at the last minute and get nothing done.

esther:Don't panic!Exams aren't the end of the world.

10 what's your favouriute biomed topic?

haemotology!it's really interesting and the labs are good too.

Ciara:Human biology was my favourite,i loved the labs!......except for THAT RAT ONE

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