Thursday, November 4, 2010


Yesterday i went to the student protest in Dublin,organised by the Union of Students in Ireland(USI),we left from the western gateway building in UCC where we got free T-shirts promoting the cause :D woo :)Our bus left roughly about quarter past 9 and we arrived in Dublin about half one,having stopped at a food court along the way.I got a chicken burger and me and Marilyn shared some cheesey curry chips(just felt everyone should know about my eating habbits :) )We started protesting from parnell square and i'm not really sure where we went from there as even though i've been to Dublin a few times i'm not familiar with it's streets haha :) The number of students at the protest was huge!apparantly about 44,000 :O Needless to say the streets were packed with people in yellow shirts.The crowd was shouting,singing and chanting things like "no if's,no but's,no education cuts!" or "they say cutback we say fightback!"(here's a clip i found on youtube of some speechs )We eventually reached a point in the city were the crowd could no longer proceed and the majority of people dispersed we then headed back to our bus,which took us ages to find :/The journey back was extremely long at 6 hours,2/3 of which was spent leaving Dublin! :O As if things were'nt bad enough there was about 3 or 4 lads on our bus who started drinking,got drunk,and proceeded to urinate in bottles and down the emergency exit of the coach.Needless to say everybody on the bus was absolutly disgusted!I got home about half 10 and i was wrecked!It was only then that i learned things had gotten violent in Dublin :O I realised then what was happening when some people were climbing over a spiked evenful day to say the least!
On a totally unrelated note,the video for P!nk's new single,raise your glass,is out :D here's the link,check it out!

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