Monday, November 22, 2010

Good day :D

I guess the title doesn't really need to be explained but ya i had a good day today :D haha
Physics tutorial was a bit of drag but afterwards me and Aoife got like half our physics homework done....damn that stupid helium balloon!!
Anyway :) so we had our last micro-biology lab today,have to admit i enjoyed them much more than the biochem labs :P.We were finished after about an hour which is always a good thing.On top of that i was actually doing my work well today :O and i wasn't one the last to finish i was shocked :DGood times :)............i have got to stop saying that!
Then we went to the canteen for an hour and talked and all that jazz.We went to CMOD then for the first presentations.They were both really good!!and very interesting,kinda looking forward to our one next week but at the same i'm pretty nervous about talking in front of everyone......ah well it'll be an experience!
Continuing this good day the class are going to see the latest Harry Potter,really looking forward to that!
My friend told me about this band Flyleaf over the weekend,they're really good!Check um out>>  they have a lot of other really good songs as well :D
Just thought this is gonna be one of my last few time flies!!
Thanks for reading!

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