Friday, October 29, 2010


Well it's been a mad week!Course we had this Monday off which was brilliant except for the fact i had to spend the majority of the day studying for the cell biology MCQ!On Tuesday morning it was pretty ominous going into the test since we hadn't really had a test went well :D some questions were tricky especially those where you're pretty sure it's 2 of the answers,not to mention the negative marking!whoever invented that is sick!haha
It was good to have cell biology over,but that didn't relieve the stress yet.......we had our intro to biomed 1 assessment on Thursday morning!We got our 2nd cell bio lecture on Wednesday off so we could study (thanks Lesley! :D) but we had to wait around for a physics lab so didn't get too much work done(we also went to was worth it :D)The physics lab was a nightmare!Our 3 demonstraters who i think are students themselves were each telling us different things and everything got so confusing!it was horrible(the pic of the cat proves physics is useless),i was delighted when it was over but this was about 6 o clock so the pressure was on to study for the following day!Thursdays exam went well,aside from a few tricky calculations t'was all good! :D Delighted at having finished everyone was eager to celebrate!Most people went out that night,i couldn't go cause i was 17 but thanks to Marilyn i still had a brilliant night :D She invited me,Aoife and some others to her house before they all went out,we had a great laugh!(pictures soon :P)
So that brings everything up to speed it's great relief to have everything over and done with for now.........................going to relax for the weekend :D
Happy Halloween and all that Jazz :D
Until next time,

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