Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another Week Down!!

Well another week has passed and to be honest im still not sure how i feel about the course. It has its ups and downs. After an extremely stressful leaving cert I expected college to be alot easier (well 1st year of college anyway). The course is interesting but its so time-consuming finding it really difficult balancing college life(28 hours a week and writing up lab reports),meeting up with my friends,family,clubs and societies and on top of that i need a job so I dont know how im going to fit that into my hectic schedule. I must admit i am enjoying the course itself and i've made alot of new friends, I just thought id have alot more time to myself. Its a bit confusing .

Alot of people have been asking me which college do I prefer C.I.T or U.C.C? Even though I enjoy going to U.C.C, I prefer C.I.T ... the lectures are alot better because the class is so much smaller. Its alot easier to find your way around and its alot nearer to where I live. I like the way our course is joint between the two colleges because we get the best of both worlds. Im looking forward to use my free membership at the maradyke even though im really unfit at the moment haha. I'l probably only last 10 minutes on the treadmill!! Well thats all for this week ....thanks for reading :)   Aoife

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