Monday, October 11, 2010

Back to Tae-Kwon-Do!!

I guess the title is fairly self explanitary! so ya after about 10 months of a break i returned tonight :D.It was brilliant!i really enjoyed it!It was mostly dynamic floorwork tonight,which was pretty tiring but great fun!It's great to be back,but i'm absolutely exhausted now haha!my legs and arms are really tired and i'm walking to western gateway building tomorrow.......yay......haha.A bit of background info about my club,i'm a member of The Pyong-Hwa Tae-Kwon-Do club part of  The Global Tae-Kwon-Do Federation(GTF).It's run in Colaiste Stiofain Naofa on tramore road and it's great!It's family run,classes on Monday and Wednesday,there's small class numbers and great interaction between students and instructors.Here's a link to the website in case anyone is interested (  In any case it's needless to say i can't wait to get to bed haha :)
On a college side of things......Lab today wasn't exactly the best,ended up being one of the last to finish with some hiccoughs along the way!Ah well,there's always gonna be some bumpy days :) thanks for reading :D
P.S sorry about bad audio in the video,it's a totally new concept to me!haha


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