Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Another exam down-this one didnt go so well, my first negative marking MCQ ever and I just hope I didnt fail it!! They are not for the faint hearted-you read it you think "I know this" and then you realise your answer is not there-oops. Still though we will all have learned from it no doubt. One left to go on Thursday now and hopefully that will go ok.

The weather has turned pretty miserable these last couple of days no more fooling ourselves it is definitely Autumn, I kinda like it though when I am inside!! :-)

Doing up an article on mentoring at the moment with the team and I think we have it fairly sorted, unfortunately due to days off, clash of lectures and exams we have not been able to get a picture of the team with the mentors-I hope one of just the team will be enough!!

Just found out-CIT men's hockey team won the Hockey Intervarsities!! A fabulous display from a part time students team, many of their opposition play club hockey together all year around!!

Anyways until next time, Mary Claire

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