Monday, October 4, 2010

Hypnotist :-)

Well as I think back over the past week the highlight has to be seeing the hypnotist in C.I.T on Thursday!  It was absolutely hilarious and the entertainment lasted for two and a half hours. It started off with simple things like all the volunteers believing they were driving a motorbike or thinking they were at a partay and singing songs in a drunken state. It became a lot more interesting as time went on …. They believed they were martians and started speaking the “martian” language ….. One guy thought the room was slowly being filled with water and was shouting at everyone to leave the building , but once people starting laughing the guy thought his tongue was getting longer so by the end of it we couldn’t understand a word he was saying!!! I would tell you more about it but the rest is a bit inappropriate im afraid ha-ha. I had a good weekend …. I met up with friends on Friday night which I really enjoyed , I haven’t seen them in ages because we’ve all been caught up in college life. On Saturday I went to Waterford for a surprise party for my aunt and uncles 40th anniversary so that was good crack. Sunday was the day I caught up with X Factor ….I was a bit disgusted with Cheryl’s decision to put Katie through instead of Gamu . Thats all my news so thanks for reading :) . Aoife

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