Sunday, October 3, 2010


So October is here,very cold,short days,dark at about 4 O'Clock,warm clothes......winter is coming :D (i know it's technically still Autumn but still..)Lots of people hate this time of year cause it's to cold etc. but personally,i love it!There's just a certain feel about it,like those evenings when you're out with your friends and you're freezing cold despite being wrapped up in the warmest clothes you own and when you come in home and your hands are soo cold you can barely move them and instead of washing them under warm water to heat them up you use the cold tap instead because for some reason it seems to warm up your hands faster......or maybe that's just me(all said in one breath :P)!Either way i just love October,November and December!..of course the negative side.......the huge amount of colds people seem to get!
On a college side of's all goin fairly good,sometimes a bit boring but i'm sure things will pick up when we start to do more specific topics of biology etc.Not looking forward to getting into physics but the class should be bearable with the lecturer we have-funny and nice,a great combination!Labs are goin good,Aoife and myself got a fairly accurate result in the chem lab the other day,delighted!haha
Assessments in about three weeks.......not something to be looking forward to..(negative marking....) :(
Off to have a cup of tea now to warm me up!haha

P.S only 82 days till Christmas ;)


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