Friday, October 22, 2010


First laboratory exam done and first chemistry exam done and in fairness they could not have been fairer, exam pressure however is horrible no matter how fair the exam is!!!

I think that the lab exam was a bit extra stressful because none of us really knew how it would go as we had never done anything like it before. It was ok like a normal lab only quieter!! Hard to know how we got on but hopefully everyone will pass!!

Chemistry was a bit more traditional as it was a written test and it was not too bad, I had a couple of false starts-no matter how many times you tell yourself to read the questions carefully I always seem to forget this very simple rule as soon as a paper arrives in front of me. Once I calm down a bit it is not so bad-I hope!!!

Long weekend now which is lovely but must study for two more exams next week as well-could be a lot worse!! I hope it stops raining soon though that would definitely help!!

Unfortunately I missed the class party last night as I was going home so I hope everyone had a great time :-)

Mary Claire.

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