Thursday, October 21, 2010

17 in college......not so great... :O

Here i am in the ucc computer centre writing my blog while practically everyone else is getting ready to go to the class party in the bailey,bad times haha :( Oh well hope everyone has a great night anyway :DSo ya that's the downside of being in college at 17,and to add insult to injury i won't be 18 untill June :O.....It won't be all bad i suppose.Marilyn our entertainment rep said she'd organise a night where those of us who aren't 18 can go :D good times :D Thank you Marilyn! :)
On a college note,we had our first written assessment today,it was pretty ominous waiting around for it to start as for me and practically everyone else it was our first written college exam.Thankfully it was a fair test and i was very happy that i chose to do chemistry for the leaving cert :) For those who didn't do it i heard things went well enough for them soo that's great news :D Aswell this week we had our first lab assessment....tense to say the least evrything was soo quiet and as usual i was a bit behind everyone else, but i got there in the end and i think things went well overall :D
Looking forward to a 4 day weekend!Finally being a member of both UCC and CIT has finally paid off :P haha Got a lot of studying to do...two more written assessments :O they would be on the week after the long weekend ><
Oh well :)
Have a good(long)weekend! :)

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