Thursday, October 28, 2010

An over-enjoyed weekend...

Aidan here, so remember I was telling you all about the party me and my brother were having??Well heres a slide show of pics from the night me and my uncle made up... and yes there are some messy ones in there!!  but the celebrations were a bit over extended as the party continued for nearly the whole weekend! I am seriously regretting it now as it was not the best idea when I had two important tests this week...needless to say I got no study done whatsoever!!and ya i suppose i got what i deserved in cell biology-a fail!!oh by the way negative marking, i hate you!!i also had an intro to biomed test today which didnt go down well either but i think i may have scrapped a pass...hopefully anyway!! im off now to decide weither im gonna dress up or not tonight!!I think once a year is enough!!haha

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