Thursday, October 7, 2010

The swab, the whole swab and nothing but the swab (cause I couldnt find the cheek cell)!!!

Wow labs are getting really interesting, pity I cant successfully swab the inside of my cheek for cells, had a sinking feeling at one point that I was exceptionally useless or cell-less or both!! Thankfully the lab instructor-following some serious searching-located one lone cell for me to attempt to draw-attempt being the essential word!!

We also met our mentors, Ciara and Esther, they are great with loads of really good tips on the course and general college stuff. They are both really helpful and we will meet them again soon to interview them and get a picture for our newsletter!!

There is a baby red panda at Fota Wildlife Park, it is lovely. Here is a picture I took of it, it is taken through glass so it is not a perfect photo-sorry about that. It looks really like a cute teddy bear in reality. Hard to believe that someone somewhere would probably want to use it for science research or eat it or something!!

Mary Claire.

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