Friday, October 22, 2010

Well the long weekend has finally arrived :) . Its been a long week .... Monday had our first lab assessments which went kind of okay ... I realised an hour into it that I was the only person not wearing gloves (woops). We had our chemistry test yesterday which I think went good enough , glad to have it done and over with.  Our class party was last night , only half the class went out because alot of people went home for the weekend and some people arent 18 yet ( Sorry Dylan ). We got 30 free jello shots and only 9 of us were there at the time haha we still drank them all . I had to leave at 12 o clock though because I was up at half 6 today and I am absolutely exhausted now haha. I got a job in a new place opening up in town soon ... Il be making doughnuts and crepes etc . Today I was practicing making all different types of coffees , there is wayyy too many of them it gets fairly confusing .. I was able to master a cappichino (cant spell it) by the end of the day. I have to start studying tomorrow ... cell biology and microbiology tests next week :(. But on the bright side cant wait for X Factor!! Its been a hectic day ...only arrived home an hour ago and im going babysitting in a while so il finish off with a link to a really catchy song I heard on the radio earlier   Aoife

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