Sunday, September 19, 2010

The (Social) Life Of A Biomedical Science Student

As this is the first blog i've ever written i'm a bit nervous i'll mess up......but i'll give it a shot anyway!
A totally unique aspect about the biomedical science course is that we attend both C.I.T and U.C.C,allowing us to take part in events etc. organised by both colleges,such as Freshers Fest last Saturday.Following on from that was the beach party that night,which i attended.Starting at 8 o clock with a pre-party in the new bar in the student centre-this was a great start to a brilliant night.There were great offers such as cocktails for 3 euro,however this was wasted on me as i don't drink (
The main event(beach party) began at 10,the venue was excellently organised for the occasion! we all received hawaiian leis upon entering,there were pool toys all over the place,beach balls,buckets full of glow sticks,bubbles and a great DJ-in summary,all the essentials needed for a great night!!The DJ played an array of excellent songs(or as said in cork-"some bangin' choones") and really got the crowd going!It wasn't long before the whole crowd began performing the macarena(myself included!).Other hits that the DJ played in accordance with the theme of the party included Katy Perry's California Gurls,Grease Lightning,Summer Nights,Shakira's Waka Waka and many more which kept the crowd on their feet the whole night!Aside from a foolish accident with a glow stick in which some of the UV paint within got in eye(really really stung!)the night was a total success,one of the best i've had in a long time!
Monday looms yet again and we must return to our frantic note taking and the rest of the academic lifestyle for another week but i suppose the sooner we can get the week over with,the sooner the weekend can begin!

Thanks for taking the time to read this....hope it was worth it! Untill next time.....


two friends and me at the beach party>>>

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