Thursday, September 23, 2010

Progress ????

Computers... a wonderful invention, modernising communication, sharing information and allegedly getting easier to use all the time. Unfortunately they seem to break if I go near them!! It is not intentional-it just happens. Imagine my horror to realise I had two college systems to negotiate and my relief to find out that they were somewhat similar. Arming myself with all necessary information, including letters, students numbers and proof of identity (just in case-I really do seem to break them) I commenced registration of password etc for CIT, it worked!! A truly fool proof system in place it seems. Perhaps lulled into a false sense of security I proceeded to UCC registration, this also worked ... a minor miracle, both worked- perhaps too good to be true but on a bright note maybe I have gotten over my jinx!! Unfortunately due to an old student number my UCC success seemed close to crashing to the ground, thanks to the helpful IT people, however, all was not lost and all problems were remedied following a step by step explanation of "what you have to do now". All fixed and up and running now-I hope!! Mary Claire

Labs started this week too, they seem pretty cool the lab reports sound hard but we will all get the hang of them soon I imagine.

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