Sunday, September 19, 2010

First week back

Hello, this is also my first blog and it is a little daunting to know what to write. It has been a busy week or so though, CIT registration-done, first week of CIT lectures-done and UCC registration-done. I am a college returnee and I certainly feel lucky to be here. Even luckier to meet such a decent class of people who are all really nice. As our class is based between two colleges we have two registrations in order to get our two student cards. CIT registration and orientation was run over two days and it was a good mix of interesting and informative. UCC registration and orientation was done over one day and bar a rather lengthy presentation by Students Union it was interesting. There were a few extra questions from UCC regarding fees as we are between two colleges which I guess were pretty necessary. I managed to escape with both student cards intact however-god those pictures are bad though-haha. CIT lectures are great, I never knew what I was missing-science is the way to go. Loads of new stuff happening next week again, some labs starting and some UCC lectures starting! Mary Claire.

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