Monday, September 27, 2010

I think its time to get a bike!!

So this is my first blog and id like to begin by apologising to my team members for being so late posting it!!!sorry lads things have just been hectic recently!
Its the beggining of my third week in college and im finally getting used to the place but this morning was just a disaster! First of all I had a bit of a late one last night so i wasnt feeling very energitic this morning but I still managed to get up for my bus to UCC at half 8...or should i say the 'anytime between 8 and half 9 bus to UCC'. You see i am living close to CIT but the majority of my morning classes are in UCC so i have to be up earlier to catch the no.5 bus. It supposedly passes every 15 minutes but I have yet to see this happening!! Iv been late 3 times already this year because of it! Anyway this morning it was no different as i arrived into the kane building at 20 past 9 for my 9 o clock physics lecture.I was dreading facing the lecturer 20 minutes late. But I was delighted when i saw the sign on the door informing me the class had been cancelled!!! All that panicing for nothing and most importantly I could of had a lie in!!But the worst was yet to come... I was waiting for my bus back to CIT when a pisky crow decided to perch right above me, and thats when it happened...SSPLAT!!! Right on my head!!:(:(:(  some say this is a sign of good luck so hopefully things might change for me!!haha bloody crows!! Thanks for reading!! Aidan...

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